Avery and Grace in the wildflowers
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By Sheila Johnson
It was March of my youngest sons senior year when the pandemic hit. And just like everyone else we got some new pets and spent a lot of time at home. For Avery that was new chickens and playing the piano, so much that our neighbors all commented on how much they looked forward to hearing it in the evening! It was then that came up with the idea to photograph him in the orchard when the wildflowers were in bloom at the piano with his chickens all around him. His piano was on the covered porch for a while and his free range chicks used to like to come perch on it. They were pretty cute!
Well by the time I talked everyone into assisting (models, muscle to move piano and the wildflowers to grow) the chickens were no longer free range and pulling together the complete vision was just too much :) so I improvised with some Photoshop skills.
Even though it was not exactly the way I had pictured it, I really love some of the images we created!! I love doing personal projects like these. They fuel my creativity!
We started the session with some photos that Avery and his girlfriend Grace wanted.
Next up the photos that I wanted :)
Just as we were getting that perfect golden light Grace mentions that she has played Violin for years! We just happen to have one so Avery runs to grab it and we capture some of the most stunning images! I just love that they both share a passion for music! And that they are willing models for my crazy ideas!